Register with Disability 资源

Current and incoming students are welcome to register with Disability 资源 if they are interested in accessing disability accommodations, 探索资格, or just identifying as a student with a disability. We encourage students to register as early in the semester as possible, but they are welcome to submit an application at any point during their time at the 网赌论坛有哪些. Please understand this process can take 1-2 weeks before accommodations are implemented.

To register with Disability 资源 and/or request disability accommodations, please complete the following steps:

1. Complete an Application

  1. Academic accommodation form*
    1. For help filling out this application: How To Submit an Academic Application
  2. Residential accommodation form*
    1. For help filling out this application: How To Submit a Residential Application

*Don't have your UR login yet? 联络我们的办事处 and we'll get you started.

Completing an application allows us to learn more about you and help match you with the appropriate access coordinator. Application forms are also available in PDF format upon request.

If you wish to register with our office as a student with a disability but are not requesting accommodations, you may indicate this preference on your application and stop after this step. You do not need to submit documentation of your disability at this time. If you decide to request disability accommodations in the future, you may be asked to supply documentation to support your request.

2. To Request Disability Accommodations:

Submit Supporting Documentation of a Disability Barrier

You are able to upload documentation when submitting an application, 也可以通过电子邮件发送, 邮寄, 传真, or dropped off at our office in 泰勒大厅 (please check our 联系页面 for current office hours). 

Read detailed guidelines for documenting a disability barrier, procedures, and policies. We encourage you to submit whatever documentation you have for our access coordinators to review, even if you are not sure that it meets University guidelines. If additional documentation is needed, an access coordinator will work with you to clarify what information is necessary.

Please be aware that UCC does not provide disability evaluations. 工作人员 at UCC are unable to provide documentation for disability accommodations but are available to assist students in locating providers off-campus who may be able to document a disabling condition.

While documentation of a disability barrier may be required for accommodation requests, students do not need to submit documentation before meeting with an access coordinator. We encourage students to meet with us at any point in the process. 

Schedule an Intake Meeting with Your 访问协调员

在这次会议上, your access coordinator will talk with you about barriers you may be experiencing and discuss reasonable accommodations or modifications to address these barriers. The process of determining reasonable accommodations is collaborative among the student, 访问协调器, the qualified professional with knowledge of the student's disabling condition, and the course instructor or program director, 如果有必要的话.


If accommodations are approved, a notification of accommodations letter will be issued to the instructors of courses in which you have requested accommodations. You are responsible for initiating requests for accommodations in your classes each term.

你可以使用 formal or informal process for dispute resolution, if you wish to dispute the decision of the Office of Disability 资源.