

What is Residential Life 和 住房服务?

居住生活和住房服务办公室为大约4人提供住房和社区意识,100居民. Communities are areas within the residence halls where first-year, 的理解, 特殊利益楼层, 联谊会, 女学生联谊会, 和我们的宿舍协会互动. Each residence hall is comprised of co-educational living arrangements.

的 住宿生活办公室, located in 020 Gates Wing of Susan B. 安东尼•霍尔, 指导和协助所有与学生宿舍有关的行政能力,包括分配, 计费, 空间的变化, 和入住率. If you have questions concerning the area in which you live, please speak with your 区域办公室. 如果您需要更多的信息或澄清,您可以随时寻求进一步的帮助 宿舍生活办公室工作人员.

What is the chain of comm和 the Office for Residence Life?

一般 concerns should be addressed to your resident advisors (RA), who reports to their graduate head residents (GHR). 后来, 请与您的区域协调员(AC)联系。, 或副主任(副主任), 然后是020盖茨翼, 住宅生活的主要办公室, 如果有必要的话.

Please seek out answers through the campus resources provided (i.e., the website, area h和书, campus policies, 和 housing contract).

Does the 住宿生活办公室 have a lost 和 found?

在你的个人物品上标记你的名字和/或学生证是非常重要的,尤其是在搬进来的时候. 许多学生把手机放错了地方, 书, 甚至是休息室里的贵重物品, 走廊, 以及我们宿舍内的公共空间.

Whenever an item is found in a residence hall during a weekday, 我们的设施工人或其他工作人员将把物品带到上午8:30之间开放的区域办公室.m. – 5 p.m.星期一至星期五. 的 区域办公室 will then contact Public Safety within one to two business days, 通知他们丢失的财产.

Items found in the evening 和/or on weekends are reported directly to Public Safety.

失物招领处存放 公共安全部. If you have lost an item or wish to report finding an item, 请致电(585)275-2552与他们的办公室联系,或致电(585)275-3333与公共安全调度联系.


When can I officially move into my residence hall?

的 official date to move into the residence hall is posted on our 主页 each academic year on the website 和 emailed to you prior to check-in. You should have plenty of time to contact your roommate(s) 和 arrange for travel.


No, all visitors will be asked to leave your residence hall; however, there are several hotels in the area that may accommodate these persons.

When do the residence halls officially close?

在12月和5月,学生们必须在最后一次期末考试后的48小时内搬出他们的房间. 一些例外情况可以制定和打破,并为那些需要它的人提供夏季住房. 五月,房间和走廊被打扫干净, 修理, 用作夏季住房, 会议活动, 还有运动营地.

Which buildings stay open during Winter Breaks?

“寒假”期间的校园住宿将提供给所有在秋季学期的校园住宿的学生,他们也有春季学期的住房合同. 学生将留在他们现有的住房分配,不需要搬迁到指定的冬季住宿大厅. 选择留在校园部分或全部冬季住宿的学生必须注册,并将收取费用,以支持宿舍的运营和维护. This fee will be applied to student accounts.

打破关闭和住房页 在课前和课间是否更新,是寒假信息的最佳资源. 电子邮件 winterstayhousing@reslife.罗彻斯特.edu 有任何关于冬季住宿的问题.


What is the cost of each room type in the residence halls?

房价根据房间和年份而有所不同. 第一年的住房通常以相同的价格定价,但杰内西大厅例外. 双人间和单人间价格相同,但客流量过剩的三人间可享受折扣.

For an updated list of room rates see the tuition 和 fees link on the Bursar Office's 账单和费用页面.


由于建筑设计和大学建造时的需要,每个大厅的房间类型各不相同. 请参阅 一年级的山一年级四 pages for averages of the room sizes in those areas.


罗彻斯特大学宿舍里的大多数床都是标准的双人床, 36" x 80". We also have a limited supply of 36" x 90" beds 和 mattresses for students over 6'4". Please let us know if you require our longest mattress 和 bed frame.


要知道,适应和一个甚至两个室友一起生活是你将要经历的许多转变之一. 然而,我们要求所有一年级学生在入学指导期间与他们的室友完成一份共享生活协议, it is not uncommon for students to need to be revisited after a few weeks or months. Not all roommates are going to be best friends, 但是很多人在设定了正确的界限,学会尊重彼此的空间和生活之后,可以很好地生活在一起. 住宿顾问(RAs),网赌论坛有哪些生住宿主任(ghr)和地区协调员在那里提供帮助.

一有麻烦的迹象, students should reach out to their RA for to get advice, 重新审视共同生活协议, 或者找室友调解. 如果愿意的话,室友调解是有效的. 请记住,有时这项工作需要持续进行,因为达成妥协可能不现实,或者对一方或多方都有效,但让RA知情并让他们提供帮助是战斗的一半.

If things still aren’t working, we can discuss the opportunity for a room change. Note that with first-year housing usually having several overcapacity spaces, there may not be rooms available to move into. This should never be the first step but is always an option.

使用第一年 换房申请表 要求换房间. 房间变更申请表提供了一个机会来表明偏好和特殊要求. 每个学期的方向和流程都在房间更换申请表上写明. 仔细阅读,确保你理解了步骤,并通过电子邮件(PDF格式)将表格返回到表格上的地址. We will do our best to offer you a change that meets your request.

Students have 48 hours to decide to accept or decline the new assignment. 未在规定期限内作出决定的,要约撤销. 如果学生多次拒绝,他们可能会从房间更换名单中删除.


当你填写住房申请表时, please include the name of the person with whom you would like to be your roommate. Your roommate must also submit a housing application with your name to be considered.

Is it possible to speak with your roommate before arriving for the first year?

是的, 一旦你的室友匹配成功, 住宿生活和住房服务办公室通常会在7月初或中旬给你们发送联系信息. Please discuss your plans prior to moving in to avoid bringing two of everything.

What do I do if I am a 重新启动 or re-admitted student?

如果你是一个重新激活或重新录取的学生,并有兴趣住在校园里, 一旦您的状态更改与学院咨询服务中心(CCAS)确认, 请电子邮件 housing@reslife.罗彻斯特.edu. 你的电子邮件信息应该包括你的状态被改变的时间,以及你要求发送给你的住房信息.

不幸的是, we cannot guarantee housing for all re-admitted, 重新启动, 或者转学生,但我们尽力了. 作业 are made on a rolling basis for both fall 和 spring semesters. We recommend getting your application submitted as soon as possible. More information will be provided once your application is received.


Are cooking facilities available in the residence halls?

是的, most halls do have limited cooking facilities, but not all. 请参阅 一年级的山一年级四 详情页面. Note that first-year students have extensive meal plans. 看到 餐厅的网站 for information on where 和 how to use your meal plan.


Each residence hall is equipped with 洗衣设施. 在学年期间(秋季和春季学期),费用包括在学生住宿费中.

Can I bring a small microwave or small refrigerator?

是的. Please refer to our guidelines when purchasing microwaves 和 refrigerators. 任何冰箱的尺寸限制都是4个.3立方英尺. 微波炉不能超过900瓦. Any refrigerator over that size will not be permitted into the residence hall. 微型冰箱是一种经批准的结合了微波炉和冰箱的器具 租来的 一学年.

Do the residence halls have internet connection?

是的. 的 网赌论坛有哪些 has a robust Ethernet 和 wireless systems.

What amenities are available in my residence halls?

Each residence hall is equipped with amenities like high-speed Internet access, 电缆, 自动售货机, 洗衣设施, 休息区. 检查 一年级的山一年级四 特定设施页面.


What are the visitation policies/procedures/guidelines?

宿舍的参观是由住宿生活和住房服务办公室建立的,目的是为了学术和健康的社交. 访问ation is not designed for overnight cohabitation or extended stays. Please check with each area for more specifics.

What safety precautions are taken in the halls?

我们所有的宿舍都有喷水灭火系统和更新的防火/警报系统. 此外, 宿舍配备了必要的安全和安保硬件,如烟雾探测器和报警系统, 所有进入学生宿舍的通道都是锁着的,每个学生都有一张大学身份证(ID),可以打开各自宿舍的门. 房间门钥匙发给每位住户. 所有居民必须在大学官员(包括学生工作人员)要求时出示有效的网赌论坛有哪些身份证.