Frequently Asked Questions

如果您想了解更多信息或有以下未列出的问题,请与CARE工作人员联系 or (585) 275-4085.

What is a CARE Referral?

CARE转介是罗彻斯特大学社区成员在关心学生时提交的电子表格. Receipt of this form initiates the CARE process. A CARE staff member will review the referral, identify a current level of concern, 与多个校园资源联系,以确定该学生在其他地方被识别出来, 并确定最合适的人去接触学生.

What is a Bias-Related Incident Report?

与偏见相关的事件报告是罗彻斯特大学社区成员提交的电子表格,如果他们知道基于年龄的个人或目标群体歧视引起的事件, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Receipt of this form initiates the Bias-Related Incident process. Reports are forwarded to the director of the Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center, who contacts the individuals involved in the report, coordinates a response, communicates with the University community, and/or documents the incident.

如欲了解更多有关偏见事件报告系统的资料,请浏览 Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center website.

What is a Community Concern Report?

社区关注报告是罗彻斯特大学社区成员提交的一份电子表格,如果他们有一个影响大学社区的问题, such as a humanitarian concern or other critical issue. 收到此表格后,会通知学生主任办公室,启动社区关注流程. 然后,指定的危机管理人员协调应对措施或与大学社区沟通.

What is the CARE Team?

The CARE team is a small, 由校园联络员组成的私人小组,每周开会讨论学生关心的问题. Currently, this group comprises a representative from Residential Life, University of Rochester Public Safety, UCC, the College Center for Academic Support, Disability Resources, Office of Minority Student Affairs, International Student Engagement, Kearns Center, Burgett Intercultural Center, and the Office of the Dean of Students. 在这个小组中共享的信息是私人的,目的是决定谁最好地向学生寻求支持. CARE推荐信息与团队成员各自办公室提供的任何信息一起在本次会议上共享.

What is the Student Support Network?

学生支持网络(SSN)是一个代表许多校园办公室的大约30到40个人的团体. SSN每月召开一次会议,讨论这些办公室在帮助学生方面所扮演的角色. This group discusses issues impacting the college experience, preventative efforts available at University of Rochester, areas of professional development, and other topics that relate to student success. SSN是协作和教育的缩影,有利于学生的成功,并在最高的道德标准下运作.

Is the CARE Network confidential?

CARE网络努力尽可能地维护学生的隐私, 但当有与性行为不端(第九条问题)或自残/伤害他人有关的情况时, CARE工作人员被授权向适当的校园资源报告信息.

在你想对学生保持匿名的情况下, please indicate this in the CARE Referral. It is important to note, however, 学生可能会意识到你通过间接的方式提交了推荐(例如与事件有关的细节或学生只与校园内一个人分享的信息),因此隐私可能无法得到维护。.


What concerns are typically referred to the CARE network?

有学术和心理健康问题的学生最常被转介到CARE网络. However, 关怀转介提交涉及与学生的经济状况有关的问题, family-related concerns, substance use, relationship concerns, etc. Referrals are made regularly, 随着在学期中期和期末转介的增加.

Who can submit a CARE Referral?

欢迎任何与网赌论坛有哪些社区有关的个人提交CARE转介. Faculty, staff, students, parents, 或者任何认识网赌论坛有哪些学生的人都可以提交一份CARE转介. 我们也欢迎学生提交一份关于他们自己的CARE推荐信.

Is my concern great enough to warrant a CARE Referral?

每个CARE转介都提供了一个独特的视角,可能有助于为有需要的学生确定最合适的校园资源. Please review the pre-referral process page for questions to consider before referring a student to CARE. You may also contact a CARE staff member at or (585) 275-4085 to discuss your concern prior to submitting.

I haven’t heard from CARE – what do I do?

按下“提交”后,您将被重定向到一个感谢您提交的页面. If you do not receive this message, 请致电(585)275-4085与CARE工作人员联系以报告问题. 在某些情况下,我们可能会联系您,以提供有关您的推荐的其他信息. 如果你没有被联系,你已经收到了提交信息, rest assured that your referral is being reviewed and acted upon. 如果您想了解您提交了CARE转介的学生的最新情况, please contact a CARE staff member at 我们将根据学生的最佳利益,在适当的情况下分享有关该学生的信息.

Who knows if a student is currently involved with CARE?
