
Located within the 学习中心, the 网赌论坛有哪些区 is a quiet, low-distraction place to work. 学生们承诺每周至少花三个小时在学习区,并从学习的专注和责任中受益. 通过提供一个生产场所, 个性化同伴支持, 甚至还有零食, 这种非正式的学习地点将帮助学生克服常见的障碍,将他们的学术目标变为现实.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 网赌论坛有哪些区 网站.



The 网赌论坛有哪些区 is located in The 学习中心 (TLC) suite in Dewey Hall. 如果你要从隧道进入杜威, 在上午8点到下午5点的办公时间内,您可以通过左转进入TLC主办公室(Dewey 1-154)进入网赌论坛有哪些区. If you are coming from Dewey 1-101 or if you turn to your right after exiting the tunnels, 你可以转向走廊里有自动售货机的灰色柱子,继续穿过柱子的门,到达TLC套房的侧门(当你穿过门时,在你的左边)。, which is open during evening hours in addition to regular TLC office hours. 只要你穿过这个侧门, 你可以在右手边组成TLC套房的l形走廊尽头找到书房.


You can apply to enroll in the 网赌论坛有哪些区 online through the 应用程序页面. 报名按先到先得原则进行, and applications are usually open a week or so before the semester starts for early access.

学习区什么时候开放? 为什么没有早上的时间?

The 网赌论坛有哪些区 is open Monday through Friday from 12 to 8 p.m. 不包括假期和期末考试周.

There are no morning hours because when we piloted them in a past semester, 他们没有得到很好的照顾. If you would like to advocate for the return of morning hours, please contact 凯尔Trenshaw so that he can take your request into consideration for planning future semesters.


你可以到学习区领导台报到, 它位于杜威1-160D,位于组成学习中心(TLC)套房的l形走廊的尽头. 如果你通过杜威1-154进入套房, the staff at the TLC front desk can direct you back to the 网赌论坛有哪些区 to check in.

You cannot check in to the 网赌论坛有哪些区 at the TLC front desk, 你必须到学习区领导办公室报到,这样你的工作时间才会计入每周最少三小时.

When does the week start for the 网赌论坛有哪些区’s 3-hour-per-week minimum expectation?

The week starts on Monday and ends on Friday each week. Weeks that include holidays are not counted in this expectation (e.g., fall break, spring break, Thanksgiving break, etc.), 你在这几周参加的任何时间通常都会被计入下一周的预期.

例如, 周三的, 周四, 秋假周的周五和下周的周一到周五一起计算, giving you eight days to fulfill the expectation instead of just six that week.

Do I have to attend the 网赌论坛有哪些区 for three hours every day?

No, the three-hour-per-week minimum applies from Monday to Friday each week of the semester, 这三个小时可以由一个大的时间段组成,也可以根据你一周的时间表组成多个短的时间段. 没有每日要求.

Do I have to reapply to the 网赌论坛有哪些区 every semester?

是的, 我们在每个学期结束时清除注册并重新开放申请流程,以便尽可能多的学生有机会尝试学习区,看看它是否适合他们. 然而, if you have been enrolled in the 网赌论坛有哪些区 in a previous semester, 在通过校园通讯发出申请通知之前,您将收到下学期重新申请的邀请.

学习区的学习课程是如何进行的? 我们如何在事前设定目标,事后汇报?

网赌论坛有哪些区由网赌论坛有哪些区领导(SZLs)组成,他们将在您每次访问该空间时指导您完成整个过程. When you check in for a session, the SZLs will ask you a few questions about:

  • 你打算做什么,
  • 你打算学习多长时间
  • 你为这节课设定的学习目标.

Your responses to the questions will be added to your session report, which will be emailed to you for your reference after your session. 当你完成学习, szl会跟进你的计划和目标,并询问你接下来的学习步骤,这些都将包括在你的学习报告中.

This process is designed to be judgement-free; the SZLs do not place any "ratings" or other value judgements about your session in your session report unless you supply them yourself (e.g.“我觉得我的疗程非常棒!" or "I was pretty distracted today, so it did not go so well."). 事实上, 有时候你觉得效率最低的课程却能教会你更多关于你自己的学习习惯, and the SZLs will be there to help you process non-judgmental and be compassionate with yourself.


是的,多么好的学习习惯啊! 学习区领导(SZLs)很乐意在学习期间在报到台帮您拿着手机. 请注意,您可能会被要求在退房时出示学生证,以便在您入住后轮班的szl发生变化的情况下收到您的手机.

Is collaborative/group study allowed in the 网赌论坛有哪些区?

在一般情况下, the 网赌论坛有哪些区 is designed to a be a quiet space, 所以只有无声的合作, 比如使用聊天客户端或共享的谷歌文档, 学生之间可以接受吗. If you are interested in joining other students for collaborative study in a particular course, 请浏览 学习小组页面 看看你的课程这学期是否得到支持. If you would like to bring a buddy to the 网赌论坛有哪些区, consider applying to be a part of the 学习伙伴计划 这学期.

Is there a computer that I can use inside the 网赌论坛有哪些区?

是的, there is a desktop in the center of the room that is designated for student use. As long as it is unoccupied, you are free to use it.


是的, although the windows are shaded for most of the day and do not receive much direct sunlight.

If I know that I will not be able to attend during a particular week, what can I do? 我会被除名吗?

如果你联系 凯尔Trenshaw, 他可以在他的记录中记下你的情况,这样你就不会收到通知,说你没有达到本周最低出勤三小时的要求. 另外, 你可以“提前”或推迟你的出勤,在一周之前或之后参加六个小时,以确保你在中断的情况下保持你的学习进度.

凯尔总是愿意找到一个灵活的替代出席在一个特定的星期,适合你的时间表和学习需要, so there is no need to stress about getting unenrolled due to travel or illness.

If I decide that the 网赌论坛有哪些区 is no longer working for me, can I unenroll from the program?

是的, you can unenroll at any time by emailing us at studyzone@techvarsity.net. Similarly, if you change your mind, you can reapply to the program at any time. 然而, later in the semester we sometimes have a waitlist for enrollment, so you may not always be immediately reenrolled depending on demand.

What is the difference between the 网赌论坛有哪些区, 学习小组, and 辅导?

学习区, 学习小组, 和辅导都可以大大有利于学生, 它们之间有一些明显的差异,可能会让其中一个比其他更适合你:

  • The 网赌论坛有哪些区 is individual, generally applicable to any academic work, and study-skill-focused.
  • 学习小组 are collaborative, course-specific, and content-knowledge-focused.
  • 辅导 is individual, course-specific, and content-knowledge-focused.




学习区 Leaders are usually undergraduate students, we also have graduate student leaders on occasion. 我们所有的领导人, regardless of where they are in their academic journeys, are trained to support anyone who enrolls in the program.

What is the time commitment for being a 网赌论坛有哪些区 Leader?


新领导还需要参加一学分的培训课程(仅在任职的第一学期)。. 培训课程, 公司319年, 在整个学期中,每周会面50分钟,包括一学分课程所需的常规课外作业.



学习中心所有开放的学生员工职位都通过JobLink发布,并在我们的网站上发布 工作页面. 我们接受从大二到网赌论坛有哪些生的学生申请学习区领导职位. 寻找11月初春季开学的招聘信息和4月初秋季开学的招聘信息.

What is the interview process when hiring for the 网赌论坛有哪些区 Leader position?

Like many other student employee positions with The 学习中心, 面试过程是在一群申请人中进行的,这样他们就可以展示他们的团队合作和沟通技巧.

我什么时候可以开始作为网赌论坛有哪些区负责人工作? Can I take the training course concurrently with working for pay in the 网赌论坛有哪些区?

一般, the 网赌论坛有哪些区 opens during the second or third week of the semester, 新的网赌论坛有哪些区负责人一旦接受了项目的基本后勤培训(培训课程的前两到三节课),就可以开始轮班, 公司319年). The course is taken concurrently with working for pay, so there is no need to have completed the course in a previous semester.